Here's what attendees have said
about Adrienne's previous workshops:
"Adrienne's unique perspective on love and relationships makes a lot of sense. Many things she said made me realize the mistakes I've been making again and again. Very helpful. I recommend this workshop highly to anyone who is having problems making their relationships work."
-- Sandy J, Teaneck , NJ
"Very entertaining and informative. Clearly, Adrienne is a caring person who genuinely wants people to find love and happiness, and experience fulfilling relationships."
- -Gail T., NYC
"I thought I was going to get easy tips on improving my love life, but Adrienne made me realize that the most important thing is to change myself, my attitudes and behavior. Once I do the work, love will come. It's not what I was expecting to hear when I signed up for the workshop, but I recognize that she's absolutely right."
-- Josh L, NYC
"Adrienne is very real and open. Extremely insightful. I felt very hopeful and motivated after the workshop. "
-- Aisha M, L.I., NY
"Adrienne has a unique philosophy which makes total sense. She completely changed the way I thought about dating and the way I looked at potential partners. I know I will be thinking about this seminar and her ideas for a long time. Can't wait for more!"
-- Pat G, Queens , NY
"If you came to this class thinking you were going to get quick solutions, well, she certainly gave us a bunch of those. I'm sure they will be very useful. But in my opinion, the real value of this class was Adrienne's very practical theories about love and relationships. She obviously thinks about these things a lot, and she certainly gave me plenty to think about."
--Dave W, NYC
"Adrienne talked about some very serious stuff, but somehow presented it in a funny, easy-to-understand way. I thoroughly enjoyed this class and will definitely take others with her in the future."
--Morgan P, Queens , NY
"She has a lot to teach people. I hope she continues to give these classes because this is a message that needs to be told!"
--Gary Z, Phila, PA