3-5 pks -10%/ 6-11 pks -15%/ 12+ pks -20%
# of Packs
$45 1 n/a
$90 2 n/a
$135 3 $121.50
$180 4 $162.00
$225 5 $202.50
$270 6 $229.50


7 $263.50
$360 8 $306.00
$405 9 $344.25
$450 10 $382.50
$495 11 $421.00
$540 12 $432.00


13 $468.00
$630 14 $504.00
$675 15 $540.00
additional packs are 20% off
($36 each)

Note on LOCAL dozens:

I will sell packages of One Dozen as long as you are local enough for me to hand deliver (i.e. places on my usual beaten track.)

Delivery area is roughly anywhere along the Route 28 corridor, from Kingston to Phoenicia, NY; plus Woodstock and Stone Ridge.

Note: White personalization is free, this service is only available for packs of 25.
Sorry, I cannot personalize dozens.

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