DO Women Want?
and moderated by Adrienne Gusoff
What do you think is the most important quality a guy can have to
help him get women? What do women want from men when it comes to long-term
relationships? Of course, every woman wants Brad Pitt or George Clooney,
but what about the rest of us “normal” guys? What can we do to get
women to pay attention to us?
--Just a Regular Guy
Dear Reg:
Look, I know you men like very specific answers to such questions.
For instance, I've been asked again and again, “What's the perfect
pick up line?” -- as if there were one. Unfortunately, the answer
to your question depends on the woman, and also, what you, yourself
are looking for. If you want to catch a beautiful but shallow woman,
all you'll probably need is a few million bucks. If you want to catch
a brilliant woman, your being a brilliant Renaissance man would help.
If you want a purely sexual relationship with a woman who wants the
same, better hone your lovemaking skills. If, however, you want to
catch a good-hearted, decent woman of character who will love and
worship you forever in a happy, healthy relationship, I'd say the
number one quality you should bring to the table is “Respect.”
Respect for her feelings, respect for her needs (which are likely
to be very different from yours), respect for your differences as
a man and a woman. And just treating her with respect isn't
enough. You have to treat everyone with respect. Treating people
with respect means being honest. It means not manipulating people
or situations to your best interests when others will potentially
suffer for it (i.e., cheating and lying about it, or telling a woman
you love her just to get into her panties). It means putting your
own needs aside at least half the time, so the other person's needs
can be met. It means doing the right thing, taking the high road vs.
taking the easy way out (i.e. breaking up with somebody face to face,
not via email or over the phone). That makes you a truly good person
(not just a wimpy nice guy), and few people (including women) can
resist that.
Be a person of good character and women of good character will love